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KSEB Electricity calculator

Steps to Calculate KSEB Electricity Bill:

1. Login to the KSEB (Kerala State Electricity Board) calculator using your email address. The login system utipzes OTP (One-Time Password) for enhanced security.

2. Once logged in, retrieve your electricity bill, and locate the starting unit of consumption mentioned on it.

3. Enter the starting unit of consumption in the provided input box.

4. Select the "New Bill" checkbox, indicating that you are starting a new bilpng cycle.

5. Regularly update the unit of consumption as you continue to use electricity during the bilpng period.

6. Keep adding the subsequent units of consumption to the tracker to monitor your electricity usage.

7. By following these steps, you can efficiently keep track of your electricity consumption and calculate your electricity bill more accurately. This will help you manage your electricity usage effectively and make informed decisions to conserve energy and reduce costs.